The Gender Genie

2006-12-28 20:54 - Links

Inspired by an article in The New York Times Magazine, the Gender Genie uses a simplified version of an algorithm developed by Moshe Koppel, Bar-Ilan University in Israel, and Shlomo Argamon, Illinois Institute of Technology, to predict the gender of an author.

I gave it two blog posts and two short fiction pieces, it pegged me on all of them. One of the stories was very close, but the other was a landslide. How amazing.

Also interesting is the fact that it appears to reveal its whole algorithm right there on the page, with the chart of "feminine keywords" and "masculine keywords". Who knew: "the" is masculine, "and" is feminine? And the top two: "around" very masculine, "with" very feminine? I never would have guessed.


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